A timeless and distinct, informal, cottage garden style edit, packed full of grace and charm. From this collection, you’ll soon have low, dense plantings of ground-hugging daisies, lady’s mantle and cranesbills, pierced by the towering minarets of foxgloves, lupins and penstemons, all enclosed in the heady scents of phlox and catmint.
click here to download a detailed border planting plan for this collection
This collection contains 3 x 9cm pots each of:
- Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'- Border front (30cm/12in)
- Phlox paniculata 'David' - Border middle to back (90cm/36in)
- Digitalis purpurea 'Sutton's Apricot' - Border middle to back (1.2m/4ft)
- Alchemilla mollis - Border front (30cm/12in)
- Geranium 'Rozanne' - Border front to middle (60cm/24in)
- Geranium x riversleaianum 'Mavis Simpson' - Border front (30cm/12in)
- Lupinus 'The Page' (Band of Nobles Series) - Border middle to back (90cm/36in)
- Nepeta x faassenii 'Junior Walker' - Border front to middle (45cm/18in)
- Penstemon 'Rich Ruby' - Border middle (75cm/30cm)
Care Tips
After planting, water generously for 1-2 weeks so the plants get well established.