
The geranium plants in our range are not the closely related pelargonium types that we grow as summer annuals but hardy perennial geraniums, commonly known as a Cranesbill. There are a huge number of varieties and these versatile plants are suitable for many situations and environments, making them one of the most popular garden plants. Planted in the right place geranium plants are very easy to grow with little need for any care or attention. As many are quick to establish and low growing, they can be used to great effect as ground cover plants, where they will help suppress weeds and give any border a sense of maturity.

The geranium plants in our range are not the closely related pelargonium types that we grow as summer annuals but hardy perennial geraniums, commonly known as a Cranesbill. There are a huge number of varieties and these versatile plants are suitable for many situations and environments, making them one of the most popular garden plants. Planted in the right place geranium plants are very easy to grow with little need for any care or attention. As many are quick to establish and low growing, they can be used to great effect as ground cover plants, where they will help suppress weeds and give any border a sense of maturity.

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