
Penstemons, also known as beard-tongues, are classic cottage garden plants. They're not only easy to grow but highly drought-tolerant, meaning they thrive in dry summers. They have a wonderfully long flowering season from July until the first frosts and we have a range of jewel like colours. Penstemon plants come into their own during late summer and through to autumn - a prize for the bees and other pollinators. They make for fantastic cut flowers too, the ultimate all rounder. Add individual varieties to your borders or try one of our curated penstemon plant collections for extra impact.

Penstemons, also known as beard-tongues, are classic cottage garden plants. They're not only easy to grow but highly drought-tolerant, meaning they thrive in dry summers. They have a wonderfully long flowering season from July until the first frosts and we have a range of jewel like colours. Penstemon plants come into their own during late summer and through to autumn - a prize for the bees and other pollinators. They make for fantastic cut flowers too, the ultimate all rounder. Add individual varieties to your borders or try one of our curated penstemon plant collections for extra impact.

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