Rocket, beetroot and feta salad

Rocket, beetroot and feta saladI’ve been making this salad for years and it’s particularly good now when the rocket and mix of winter salad leaves are SO delicious.

Serves 4 (as a main course)

  • 4 medium sized beetroot (fresh, winter-stored roots if possible but vacuum-packed, cooked but NOT in vinegar if you can’t get fresh)
  • 8 good handfuls of salad leaves, including rocket, mizuna, mustard, baby chard, baby kale, water or landcress
  • 2 palmfuls of fresh mint leaves (ideally but not essential). They add a nice fresh bite.
  • 200g feta cheese

For the dressing

  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • Flaky salt and freshly ground black pepper

Leaving their skins on, simmer or roast the beetroot until really tender (20-30 min, depending on size). Let them cool slightly and rub off the skins. I do them just in my fingers.

Cut into chunks and allow to cool completely. Meanwhile, combine all the dressing ingredients. Then dry your salad leaves gently but well.

Put all but the salad leaves in a bowl, reserving a sprinkling of mint. Pour over the dressing and toss well.

Scatter a base of dried, mixed leaves over the serving plates, then top with the beetroot, feta mix. Scatter a few torn mint leaves over the top and eat.

You can also serve this in a large shallow bowl in the middle of the table for everyone to help themselves.

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