strawberry and passion fruit sorbet recipe

strawberry and passion-fruit sorbet

Strawberries and passion fruit are both sweet so here you don't need the usual piles of sugar of the average sorbet or ice-cream. The occasional crunch of the passion fruit seeds are a good addition.

For 6

  • 800g strawberries, hulled
  • 4 passion fruit
  • 2-3 tablespoons light agave syrup

Blitz the strawberries in a blender with 2 tablespoons agave syrup.

Put into a bowl and add the passion fruit seeds, flesh and juice. Taste for sweetness, making sure the mix is for anything slightly over-sweet, as when it is frozen, the sweetness dulls a bit. This also depends on the variety of strawberries you are using, some are sweeter than others.

Pour the mixture into an ice-cream machine and churn for 20–25 minutes. Pack into a plastic container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving. If you don’t have a machine, pour the mixture into a plastic container and freeze for 1 hour. Remove and fork through, mixing the frozen edge into the middle to break up the ice crystals. Repeat twice.

Before serving, allow the sorbet to soften in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Serve with half a passion fruit and a small handful of strawberries on each plate.

This recipe featured in the Sarah Raven 2016 Calendar.

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