Sweet Pea Kit

For sweet pea growing success there are a few things it’s really important to remember: they are hungry plants that need a lot of food, they thrive with something to climb up and, if growing from seed, root-trainers are essential. With our recommended sweet pea kit and just a little bit of nurturing, you can enjoy successions of gloriously fragrant blooms right the way through summer. From specialised sweet pea fertiliser and peat-free compost to natural jute netting and ties, our collection of sweet pea growing kit includes everything you need to get your favourite varieties from seed to vase. To take your sweet pea displays to the next level, try installing one of our sweet pea supports, like our ornate metal obelisk, and allow them to ramble their way up.

For sweet pea growing success there are a few things it’s really important to remember: they are hungry plants that need a lot of food, they thrive with something to climb up and, if growing from seed, root-trainers are essential. With our recommended sweet pea kit and just a little bit of nurturing, you can enjoy successions of gloriously fragrant blooms right the way through summer. From specialised sweet pea fertiliser and peat-free compost to natural jute netting and ties, our collection of sweet pea growing kit includes everything you need to get your favourite varieties from seed to vase. To take your sweet pea displays to the next level, try installing one of our sweet pea supports, like our ornate metal obelisk, and allow them to ramble their way up.

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