blackberry and apple gin recipe This is a delicious blackberry and apple recipe that will make bottles of gin – perfect for parties. The apple can be swapped for pear in this recipe, and the gin for vodka. makes about 3¼ cups
blackberry and apple fruit leathers Fruit leathers are a chewy, intensely flavoured snack, perfect to make if you have a range cooker on all the time, like an Aga. Apples form the fruit pulp base for all the leathers, as they are che
Bea's stuffed cabbage leaves recipe This is Bea Csap's recipe. She is from Hungary and is our gardener here on the farm. The stuffed cabbage leaves are excellent eaten on their own, dipped into natural yoghurt or with sauerkraut.
apple and coconut macaroons These are not really biscuits at all, but baked mounds of deliciously flavoured and textured fruit and nuts, good because they’re not too sweet. We serve these for the mid-morning break in the g
chicory and lemon pasta recipe This is a simple chicory and pasta dish, quick to prepare and delicious hot, or cold the next day.serves 4 100g chopped pancetta 2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 onion, chopped 1 garlic
chicken tagine with almonds and apricots recipe A tagine is a North African stew made with a minimal amount of liquid. It takes its name from the conical dish it's cooked in, which creates its own moisture. If you don't have one, use an o
barbecued corn with chilli and garlic butter recipe Pick or buy lots of sweetcorn when it's in season, cook it and shove it in the freezer. The cobs lose their sugar quickly on storing, so you want to cook and freeze them as soon as you can. Then co
baked apples recipe Baked apples are a British classic which should be eaten at least once during the apple season. Serve with thick cream. The apples are also lovely filled with mincemeat.for 4 4 medium-sized
Dutch apple pie recipe In Holland this is always made with the apple variety 'Belle de Boskoop' which is difficult to find here unless you grow it, so use 'Howgate Wonder' or 'Granny Smiths' (not 'Bramley') which hold th
celeriac salad with apple, pine nuts and prosciutto recipe Here is one of the best winter salads, celeriac remoulade, taken one step further. Ideal as a starter for a winter dinner or as the main dish for lunch, it's also fantastic topped with a slice of t
autumn garden stir-fry with peanut noodles recipe Don't try and cook more than this in one go, as the wok will be overwhelmed. This is a delicious and quick, tasty dinner.for 6 For the veg 600g autumn veg – carrots, courgettes, purple sprout