From the Cutting Patch

a cutting patch for every garden

"Since the day I started, I've thought of my cutting garden like this: it's an ever-filling cup, gardening for the optimist, the greedy flower lover, who wants to fill their house with colour and scent."

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Some of our favourite cut and come again plants we can’t live without


the basics of arranging cut flowers

From conditioning stems, to selecting the perfect vase, read our simple guide to arranging cut flowers for stunning displays to adorn your home


best flowers for colour in May


how to pick and arrange roses

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Be Your Own Florist Mini-Series


successional summer flowers

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creating a hardy annual cutting patch

The backbone of any cutting garden, a hardy annual patch doesn’t need to be big, but by the time high summer peaks, you’ll be able to fill buckets with cut flowers and foliage from the fruits of your careful planning and labour


flowers & floristry courses

Come along to an expert-led floristry masterclass or cut flower gardening course at Perch Hill Farm and beyond, hosted by Sarah Raven herself, plus other leading growers

our favourite products that pair perfectly with cut flowers

Florist's Scissors
Florist's Scissors
Nero Vase
Nero Vase
Niwaki Sakagen Flower Scissors
Niwaki Sakagen Flower Scissors
Striped Ceramic Vases
Striped Ceramic Vases
Niwaki Pin Holder
Niwaki Pin Holder
Niwaki Higurashi Snips
Niwaki Higurashi Snips
Niwaki Snips and Sheath
Niwaki Snips and Sheath
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