favourite new tulips
‘Love Dance’
One of the new generation of Viridiflora varieties crossed with the lily-flowered forms, to give elegant shape, good length of flowering and exceptional perenniality
'Queen Jewel'
This flowers for a good five weeks, like all the doubles, and earns its keep five times over. I truly love it
'Big Love'
Perfect name for a pretty perfect tulip, it stands well over 2ft tall, with huge flowers like circus plate spinners
I fell in love with this longflowering, soft apricot tulip, in the beautiful bulb drift combination designed by my friend Carien Von Boxtel at the Keukenhof
‘Holland Beauty’
Early-flowering, this opens the colour of a fruit sundae and gradually fades with great elegance. It’s a newfound favourite.
Recommended to me by a Dutch garden designer friend, this is an exceptional tulip – very early flowering, perennial, excellent for naturalising and lovely for the first spring vase of flowers. I’m a big fan
‘Crème Upstar’
A double, softly scented tulip which looks as rose-like as any tulip you’ll find.
‘Silk Road’
With a lovely soft, aromatic scent, we fell in love with this tulip last spring, every flower slightly different, with the lightest stipples of deep pink over white
‘Time Out’
A cartoon of a tulip – as a child would paint, I loved these in our trial last spring, sturdy, cheery and long-lasting
‘Tubergen's Gem’
A new species clusiana hybrid, which looks like you might just come across it on a mountain walk in Crete; simple and yet truly spectacular
‘Estella Rijnveld’
I remember seeing a terracotta pot planted with these 40 years ago and thinking it was one of the most luxuriously beautiful things I’d ever clapped eyes on
Tall, elegant crimson velvet flowers with a golden heart, like the richest silk brocade