buckwheat pancakes recipe

Buckwheat pancakes

I love making real blinis with whisked egg white, but these pancakes are quicker and easier to make. If you want, you can make a huge batch and freeze them. These taste delicious with Gravadlax or smoked salmon, and marinated cucumbers and sliced boiled eggs.

For about 16-20 pancakes:

  • 2 eggs
  • 220ml milk
  • 40g butter, melted and cooled
  • 125g buckwheat flour
  • 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt

Mix the eggs, milk and melted butter in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into another bowl. Make a well in the middle and gradually add the egg mixture and beat together until smooth. Leave for at least 2 hours, or overnight if possible.

Heat a non-stick frying pan and put in a tiny bit of oil or butter to coat. Use a large tablespoon as a measure and ladle 4 individual dollops of batter into the pan. Leave the pancakes to cook for a minute or two, until you see them begin to bubble on top and set. Then flip them over and cook for a slightly shorter time on the other side.

Keep warm in a napkin or tea towel while you make the rest.

This recipe features on p.222 of Sarah's Garden Cookbook.

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