Many of us have known and grown the wondrous ‘Café au Lait’ for a few years now — and if you like her, you’ll love her daughters – each one huge, a bit crazy and utterly magnificent. Use as a single stem or pile them high in a vase.
This collection contains 1 or 2 tubers, or 1 x 3 litre pots each of: - Dahlia 'Café au Lait Royal'
- Dahlia 'Café au Lait'
- Dahlia 'Café au Lait Supreme'
All dahlia flowers are edible, scatter their petals on salads for flavour, texture and colour.
Care Tips
Pot up undercover in spring, place somewhere light and frost-free and keep moist. Pinch out growing tips at 20cm and plant out after last frosts. Alternatively plant straight into the ground when the frosts are nearly over.