For those with a bit of space in a sheltered veg bed or under cover if you have a greenhouse, this is the ultimate autumn and winter salad (and stir-fry) selection which I grow every year. We plant this in our tomato bed, once cleared, packed full with these salad seedlings of 9 varieties, with the Queen of winter edible flowers thrown in (see the line far right).
This collection contains 5 seedlings each of: - Komatsuna
- Mizuna
- Mizuna 'Red Knight' F1
- Mustard 'Red Frills'
- Mustard 'Red Giant'
- Mustard 'Wasabi'
- Polyanthus 'Stella Champagne' F1
- Rocket Salad 'Serrata'
- Spinach 'Rubino' F1
- Winter Purslane
Care Tips
Keep moist. Protect from flea beetle with a physical barrier of fleece.