Most commercial raspberries are now grown under plastic – the weather risks are less – and picked partially ripe so they travel better and have a longer shelf life. Enjoy growing your own outdoors for a deeper colour, flavour and greater nutrition.
You'll see immediately that the fruit is not pink but a deep purple-red and the texture when you eat it is soft and the flavour fantastic. Grow these two varieties together so you can eat fruit from late June to September.
This collection contains 5 bare roots each of:
- Raspberry 'Glen Ample' – An exceptional mid-season variety with large, easy to pick fruits with an excellent strong flavour
- Raspberry 'Autumn Bliss' – An excellent autumn variety, cropping from August to October. This one has large dark red firm fruit with a good flavour and disease resistance. Best on a sheltered site.
Care Tips
Train up posts and wires, loosely tie in the stems as they grow. Net to protect from birds. In autumn, prune the canes that have fruited to ground level, tie in the other canes (6-8 canes should be left). Add manure in the spring.