There are certain alliums which fit perfectly and hugely enhance a border — their foliage is finer and their scale and drama just right to mix in, but not take over other things. That’s just what these three have in common, planted here in our Farmhouse Garden. ‘Summer Drummer’ in particular is less well-known, and one of the most asked about plants at our open days all through summer.
This collection contains:
- 15 bulbs of Allium cristophii
- 5 bulbs of Allium 'Summer Drummer'
- 5 bulbs of Allium macleanii 'His Excellency'
Allium petals are edible, you can scatter them on salads. We use the more delicate types like cowanii and unifolium most often at Perch Hill.
Care Tips
Removing the foliage once it becomes tatty doesn't appear to affect the bulbs.