The tomato varieties that did best in our outdoor trial in the garden in 2020. They emerged to have the strongest blight resistance and were happy growing even in our colder, wetter, windier conditions of last summer. If you don’t have a greenhouse, these five, with good flavour, are the ones I recommend.
This collection contains 1 seed packet, or 1 or 2 seedlings each of: - Tomato 'Stupicke Polni Rane'
- Tomato 'Cocktail Crush'
- Tomato 'Sungold' F1
- Tomato 'Chocolate Cherry'
- Tomato 'Black Russian'
Care Tips
Under cover or outside they need staking, regular watering and weekly feeding for best results. Pinch out side shoots as they develop and then pinch out the tops once they have set 5 or 6 trusses.