Biochar Biology Blend

Intensely rejuvenating, this biological blend brings an intense boost of all the trace minerals and natural biology (fungi and bacteria), that your plants will need for the season ahead.

4L box


Intensely rejuvenating, this biological blend brings an intense boost of all the trace minerals and natural biology (fun…

Intensely rejuvenating, this biological blend brings an intense boost of all the trace minerals and natural biology (fungi and bacteria), that your plants will need for the season ahead. Ideal for sprinkling into seed drills, or around the roots of young plants as you put them into their growing positions. The Biochar Biology Blend can also be used to give a boost to houseplants or when repotting plants.

Biochar can bring a physical and permanent change to your soil. It improves structure, aeration, water-holding capacity, nutrient retention, and provides a refuge for beneficial microbiology which we add, to improve plant health.

  • Made from 100% natural ingredients
  • Soil Association approved
  • Our products are sustainably sourced from managed and maintained forests.
  • 4 litre box
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