Q&A - Episode 11 - How do you protect dahlias from pests, and keep them healthy into late summer?


Q&A : a new series with Sarah Raven 

Q&A: How do you protect dahlias from pests, and keep them healthy into late summer? What adds structure in the garden for next year? How do you prevent mildew? How can I stop containers drying out over holidays?

Welcome to the August Q&A episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, where Sarah & Josie share their top tips based on your questions every month.

For August, we hear how pests can be held at bay from your precious dahlias, and advice for treating the leaves such that they’re looking grand late into the summer season.

Sarah also shares some inspiring ideas for giving your garden structure in a year’s time, Josie recalls our best advice for preventing and treating mildew, plus we look at the best way to stop containers from drying out while you’re on your summer holidays.

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