Episode 32 - Show Notes & Advice

episode 32 | show notes & advice

episode description

We’re breaking convention on ‘Grow, cook, eat, arrange’ this week as Sarah steps aside from hosting duties - Arthur is joined by Sarah’s husband and accomplished writer, Adam Nicolson.


In a conversation ranging from profound environmental issues to more absurd incidents like the ‘big sheep crisis’, this episode is equal parts hilarious and inspiring to those of us looking to build a world of wondrous sea life. 


Adam describes life on Perch Hill, fascinating facts about the inhabitants of rock pools, and how we can help bring biodiversity back to our shores - all with the same passionate and eclectic vernacular that you’ll find in his latest book: ‘The Sea Is Not Made of Water: Life Between the Tides’.




in this episode, discover...

  • Fascinating stories from the early days of Perch Hill
  • Marvellous creatures that can be found in rock pools
  • How we can help nurture sealife with your very own rock pools
  • The peculiar story behind Sarah & Arthur’s ‘Big Sheep Crisis’


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Episode 32 advice sheet

With Arthur Parkinson — and not Sarah in this episode, but her husband Adam Nicolson, writer, naturalist and co-creator of Perch Hill. 


They talk about The Smell of Summer Grass – a book which Adam wrote about his and Sarah’s arrival at Perch Hill in 1994 and the years that follow, making the garden from scratch, Sarah and Adam’s debate about whether to drastically change what you find/inherit, or to darn, mend and fill and complete what’s there already, restoring biodiversity to a place stripped quite bare. 


They also talk about the book Adam has just written about life in Scottish West coast rock pools. And Arthur remembers his childhood trips to Tenby, in Wales.


From sand hoppers to prawns, sea anemones to plankton, limpets and winkles to crabs in – The Sea is Not Made of Water: Life Between The Tides Adam tells the stories of all this beach and coastal life with illustrations by Adam and Sarah’s great friend, the painter, Kate Boxer. 


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