Inspiration Page – AT23 Team Picks

our team’s autumn picks

Discover which favourites from our autumn planting range the team just can’t get enough of

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Tulip ‘Blue Heaven’

“A multi-headed tulip that opens a spectacular pink and matures to a lavender-blue hue, I love it! ”

Abigail, Head of Buying

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Sherbet Candy Viola Collection

“I have these in pots by my front door. They flower for ages so are ideal for cheering up the winter months”

Sarah, Founder

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Anemones & Asters for Autumn

“I planted this in a gloomy corner of my garden and it thrived, brightening up an otherwise shady spot”

Josie, Head Gardener

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Fritillaria persica ‘Green Dreams’

“I adore this for it’s unusual colour, shape, and candelabra-like flowers”

Tom, Head of Horticulture

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Rosa ‘Sweet Honey’

“I love the irresistible scent and colour of this new and fast-growing rose”

Kate, Graphic Designer

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Lychnis coronaria ‘Angel’s Blush’

“A delicate but stunning favourite of mine, that’s super easy and low-maintenance”

Clare, Operations Manager

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