red pepper and onion relish recipe

I like the freshness of this relish - delicious served with burgers or sausages (or sausage burgers).

Makes 3 x 450g jars

  • 7 red peppers, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 3 onions, finely sliced
  • 3 sticks of celery, finely chopped
  • 250g demerara or light soft brown sugar
  • 350ml cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon peeled and freshly grated ginger
  • 2 teaspoons smoked paprika (not hot)
  • 1 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Put the vegetables and all the other ingredients into a large, heavy-based stainless-steel saucepan or flameproof casserole dish. Bring gently to the boil, then reduce to a low simmer for 1-1½ hours. Stir the mixture regularly to prevent sticking or burning, as that would affect the flavour.

Pour into dry, warm, sterilised jars (you can sterilise them in a very hot dishwasher, or boil them in a pan of water for 10 minutes). Seal and label with the date.

This relish will last for several months. Once open, keep in the fridge and eat within a month.

This recipe features on p327 of Sarah Raven's Food for Friends and Family Cookbook.

red pepper and onion relish

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