how to create a christmas mantelpiece decoration

Dress up your mantelpiece or dresser with everlasting foliage and beautiful decorations. Use this as a great decorating idea for autumn, as well as Christmas.

You will need:

  • Acorn and Berry Garland
  • Antiqued Christmas Bells
  • Set of 3 Gold Bud Vases
  • Green Hyacinth Vase
  • Set of 3 mixed colour Ball Candles


  1. Run the garland across the mantelpiece, bending it into gentle curves (don’t pull it too straight) so it looks natural.
  2. Gather some small branches from the garden and arrange them loosely in the hyacinth vase.
  3. Hang the antiqued Christmas bells on the branches, then place it where you’d like it on the mantelpiece.
  4. Pick a few stems of seasonal flowers – black hellebores look fantastic – for the bud vases.
  5. Place the candles and bud vases in between the curves of the garland and around the branch arrangement.
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