Episode 15 - Q&A: How do I make my mark on a new garden? What can I forage for wreath decorations? What’s the difference between part-shade and full sun? How can I start coppicing?


Q&A : a new series with Sarah Raven 

Q&A: How do I make my mark on a new garden? What can I forage for wreath decorations? What’s the difference between part-shade and full sun? How can I start coppicing?

Welcome to the December Q&A episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, where Sarah & Josie answer questions sent in by our lovely listeners each month. 

In this episode, Josie shares how best to create your dream garden from one that you’ve just moved into, and enlightens us on what constitutes part-shade and full-sun, so that we can plant our flowers where they’re best suited. Sarah also gives us some fantastic wreath decoration ideas which are foraged, therefore more sustainable, and lauds the benefits of coppicing.

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