
Sarah Raven Lifetime Guarantee

Lifetime guarantee for all fully hardy plants. This includes hardy perennials, climbers, shrubs and trees. 

This excludes Half Hardy Plants, Tender Plants/Annuals, Vegetable Plants, Seeds, and all plants known to be short lived. Please refer to the plant classification in our catalogue or website for clarification.  

Please notify us as soon as the issue has been identified. We will require photos of the plant in question in situ of planting position and conditions. Our horticulturalist will then review and assess. 

We cannot accept responsibility for items that fail to grow due to extreme weather conditions (such as unusual spells of drought, prolonged periods of wet weather, and severe winter freezing), over or under-watering, or for items which have not been cared for according to our planting instructions. We will refund or replace the plant (subject to availability). Please note refunds will cover the cost of the plant in question and will not include original shipping costs.  

 This guarantee does not apply to plants that have arrived damaged which we will automatically replace or refund on receipt of a photo. Please notify us within 30 days of the damaged plant being received 

Lifetime guarantee for all fully hardy plants. This includes hardy perennials, climbers, shrubs and trees. 

This excludes Half Hardy Plants, Tender Plants/Annuals, Vegetable Plants, Seeds, and all plants known to be short lived. Please refer to the plant classification in our catalogue or website for clarification.  

Please notify us as soon as the issue has been identified. We will require photos of the plant in question in situ of planting position and conditions. Our horticulturalist will then review and assess. 

We cannot accept responsibility for items that fail to grow due to extreme weather conditions (such as unusual spells of drought, prolonged periods of wet weather, and severe winter freezing), over or under-watering, or for items which have not been cared for according to our planting instructions. We will refund or replace the plant (subject to availability). Please note refunds will cover the cost of the plant in question and will not include original shipping costs.  

 This guarantee does not apply to plants that have arrived damaged which we will automatically replace or refund on receipt of a photo. Please notify us within 30 days of the damaged plant being received 

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