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Elephant Garlic

Elephant garlic has a mild taste and huge succulent cloves, which are perfect for roasting and eating raw, grated into a salad.
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Elephant garlic has a mild taste and huge succulent cloves, which are perfect for roasting and eating raw, grated into a salad

If you garden on heavy soil like mine, this is the garlic to grow.

This produces a beautiful purple flowering head – which should be snipped when it emerges to get the best bulb for eating.

Product details

Edible Crop
Kitchen Garden
Broad Tolerance
30cm (12in)
Common name
Elephant Garlic
Full Sun
30cm (12in)
Best planted out September – February. Plant each giant clove upright, with the flat base down and pushed into the soil to twice their own depth, spaced at intervals of 12in/30cm.

Care Tips

Water the plants in the morning so the soil dries by nightfall to discourage diseases. Stop watering when the garlic's leaves start drying out, which is an indication it's harvest time

Flowering Time

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