understanding narcissi divisions

Below are the 13 different divisions/groups of narcissi, along with a little explanation of how to identify these daffodils and an example of varieties in each division...

Division 1: Trumpet

The cup length on these is as long as or longer than the petals. There is only one bloom per stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation

Division 2: Large-Cupped

The cup length on these measures more than one third of, but less than or equal to the length of the petals. One flower per stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Pink Charm'

Division 3: Small-Cupped

The cup length on these measures not more than one third of the length of the petals. There is only one flower per stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Segovia'

Division 4: Double

These have one or more flowers to a stem, flowers have a clustered cup and petals.

e.g. Narcissus 'Sir Winston Churchill'

Division 5: Triandrus

These have two or more bell pendant like blooms per stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Thalia'

Division 6: Cyclaminaeus

The flower heads on these hang at an acute angle to the stem, with a very short neck.

e.g. Narcissus 'Tête-a-Tête'

Division 7: Jonquilla / Apodanthus

These daffodils have small very fragrant flowers with flat petals, and narrow and reed like foliage. There are usually one to three blooms on a stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Sailboat'

Division 8: Tazetta

These fragrant daffodils have clusters of florets (usually more than three) on a stem and. The foliage and stem are very broad.

e.g. Narcissus 'Avalanche'

Division 9: Poeticus

These have pure white petals. The cup frequently has a green (or other colour) centre surrounded by yellow with a red rim. The flowers are fragrant, usually one to a stem.

e.g. Narcissus 'Actaea'

Division 10: Bulbocodium

Enlarged trumpets give these it’s common name of the ‘hoop-petticoat daffodil’. Low growing and best suited to a pot or alpine bed.

e.g. Narcissus 'Golden Bells'

Division 11: Split-Corona / Papillon

These have a split corona usually for more than half its length. Also known as Orchid-flowering daffodils.

e.g. Narcissus 'Papillon Blanc'. 

Division 12: Dwarf

Miniatures have the same descriptive divisions as standards only with smaller blooms, usually less than one and a half inches in diameter.

e.g. Narcissus 'Elka'

Division 13: Botanical

These are Narcissi distinguished solely by botanical name.

e.g. Narcissus pseudonarcissus. 

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