summer berry jelly

summer berry jelly

A summer pudding with no bread, and light on the jelly, which is made from freshly juiced apples, holding together many punnets of super-healthy berries. This needs to be made the day before serving. This amount of gelatine will give a nice soft, not rubbery, set.

Serves 8

  • 4 x 1.6g gelatine leaves
  • 450g strawberries, hulled and halved if large
  • 250g raspberries
  • 250g blueberries, plus extra for decoration
  • 200g blackcurrants or redcurrants
  • 600ml freshly home-pressed apple juice
  • A few lemon verbena or mint leaves
  • Put the gelatine leaves into a bowl of cold water.

Put the gelatine leaves into a bowl of cold water. Put the fruit into a 2 litre summer pudding bowl, alternating handfuls of different berries.

Warm the apple juice in a pan. Squeeze the water from the gelatine leaves and add them to the juice. Stir to dissolve over a gentle heat, and allow to cool slightly before pouring overthe fruit.

Chill overnight until set.

Dip the bowl into warm water and turn out onto a plate. Decorate with the extra blueberries and a few leaves of lemon verbena or mint.

This recipe originally appeared in Good Good Food.

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