sloe gin mincemeat recipe

A perfect recipe for Stir up Sunday. You can use straight away, but it’s even better left for a while to mature and marinade.

Makes 450g (Enough for 15-20 mince pies):

  • 80g fresh cobnuts (If using hazelnuts or almonds, soak overnight in water)
  • 100g cranberries or ready-soaked pitted prunes
  • 50g Demerara sugar
  • 50g raisins
  • 75g currants
  • 75g vegetarian suet
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 apple, peeled, cored and diced
  • A slug of sloe gin (or brandy)

Simply mix all ingredients together in a bowl, ladle into sterilised jar and keep somewhere cool.

Click here for mince pies with orange pastry recipe.

sloe gin mincemeat

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