planting numbers for bulbs in borders

Planting flower bulbs in garden bordersIf you are struggling to work out how many bulbs you will need for your intended area then you may find the guide below useful to refer to when planning your display...

average number of bulbs per square metre (1m x 1m):

Alliums small ( e.g. cernuum, cowanii, sphaerocephalon) – 100

Alliums Large ( e.g. Purple Sensation, Nigrum, Globemaster) – 20

Camassia – 40

Crocus – 150

Narcissi – 60

Tulips – 60

Species Tulips ( e.g. hageri 'Little beauty') – 80

Snowdrops – 150

Most bulbs like a light, well-drained soil in a full sun position so choose your site well to have the best display. Bulbs look best planted in drifts of 2-3 ,and their planting distances are advised in our instruction booklets.

Some bulbs can be naturalised to create a vast spread of bulbs throughout your lawn, to find out which types and how, see Sarah's article ' Planting and naturalising bulbs in grass'

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