favourite indoor plants for winter

Sarah shows you her favourite plants to grow indoors during the winter months, on her favourite metal plant theatre.

I'm in the greenhouse now and I really love this plant stand. The great thing about this particular stand is the shelves are wide enough and deep enough that you can fit really quite substantial plants on it. What I find is a lot of plants stands are just too diddly for me and I like quite nice big pots, so you need something a bit more robust; this one works incredibly well.

I've got here a stephanotis which you can see I'm nurturing and there are a few flowers coming but they are very slow to come. They really love it in Greece, you know, a hot climate, but still it's a lovely evergreen plant to have inside. It does need to be frost free.

This is the beautiful white convolvulus cneorum, it has big white trumpet flowers and starts very early in the year. If you keep deadheading it, it comes back very well.

And then of course, a classic December the plant, is helleborus niger or the Christmas rose. I love these as pot plants or inside plants for this time of year. I mean, they're wonderful outside too, but inside they just make you feel like spring is around the corner - which sometimes on a dire, horrible December or January day it can feel like it's a long way away.

Then, good old streptocarpus, you can't beat that. I love the echeverias because they just give you this sort of lovely silvery, kind of Christmassy, colour right the way through the year - but particularly in the winter they really give you winter cheer.

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