how to make a floral spring centrepiece, using a flower grid

Watch Sarah create a beautiful spring flower arrangement, using a homemade flower grid. This is the perfect centrepiece for your party table, and will keep for over a week.

The flower grid is an essential part of the flower arranger’s kit and this step by step guide will show you how to make beautiful arrangements with a simple flower grid. They’re brilliant for supporting delicate flower heads e.g. poppies, particularly the opium (somniferum) varieties and cherry or apple blossom.

A small scale one is great for fine stemmed and flowered plants like snowdrops, wood anemones and aconites in early spring. I then lay a small grid over a cereal bowl, which is then transformed into a perfect vase.

It’s also perfect for flowers that don’t last well on a long stem - e.g. oriental hybrid hellebores, heavy-headed garden roses, magnolias - or for flowers that have a short stem - e.g. cobaea scandens, pelargoniums like 'April Hamilton’ - and for huge headed things like the huge parrot tulips, horse chestnut flowers, sunflowers, amaryllis and dahlias, which work well almost flat.

It’s the best way of arranging trailing plants like Clematis montana ‘Alba’, wisteria and the more delicate flowering peas like Lathyrus chloranthus. You can then thread the stems through the grid of one shallow bowl and for a party link it into another and another, all the way down a long table at a party.

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